One of my fave parts about having this blog is getting emails from you guys about things you've tried in the dating world or ideas you have to jump charge my love life.
(I could, however, do without feeling like a complete techie a-hole when I can't get a video to upload or figure out line spacing.)
Anyhow, today's entry is actually an email I got from a reader about a totally ballsy move she recently tried. (Don't worry -- she said I could publish it.)
So, without further ado, take a gander at how the move
Piper made was as smooth as Colombian coffee...
Okay, so here was the set up...
I was at a Starbucks with a friend, and we were both studying. This cute guy walked in, and I made eye contact with him a couple times from way across the Starbucks. He ended up sitting at a table close to my friend and I. The next two hours were pretty boring. We did our work, he had his nose in his computer. I actually left to meet someone else and go do something, and kicked myself for not saying anything.
An hour later I was finished with friend 2 and went back the coffee shop where Friend 1 was still sitting, and so was this guy. At that point he was on the phone and speaking in German of all things.
I pretended to do work for another half hour, while really G-chatting with Friend 1 about how I could go about making an intro. (AAB sidenote: ha ha ha! I love this! Girls totally do this all the time, whether they admit it or not.) Other people online advised me to just say "hi" and introduce myself, and see what happened.
I was really close to chickening out, and then he was packing up to go. We made eye contact a few times as he was packing up, and so I went over and said, "Hi, my name is Piper. I just wanted to come over and introduce myself." He said his name was P and did I want to sit down. So I did.
And we talked about what we each do, and I asked where he's from (Germany), and after a couple minutes felt like everyone in the Starbucks (or at least the immediate vicinity) was staring at me slack-jawed so I wrapped it up.
Now. He did not actually ASK for my phone number. But I offered it, and he took it. I said to call me sometime, if he was interested in grabbing a drink or something. And I went to sit back down, sweating profusely (thank goodness it was chilly and a sweater was appropriate), and he left.
He hasn't called, not that I'm *really* expecting him to. :)
It was intense. I would not recommend doing this without having some semblance of a plan. Because there's that awkward pause for a second where you don't know what to say beyond "Hi, my name is..."
But, on the upside, several people in the vicinity who witnessed the whole throw down afterwards were like "That was awesome. I always want to do that, but never do! Way to go!"
I think it was definitely cool to show myself that I CAN do it. And maybe some day it'll even work :) Although I love Craigslist "Missed Connections" I hope to never be the subject of one, b/c I'll have the cajones to DO something about it, instead of pining in silence.
You should totally try it!
And, I'm happy to report... I got a follow-up email from Piper a couple of days later saying that the German called her! And they are going out this coming weekend! FUN!
I have to admit... I'm not sure I'd have the balls to try this. I mean, I am FAR from shy, but I just figure with my luck... the guy's wife or GF would come strolling out of the bathroom as I was standing there hitting on him.
What ideas do you have for how/where to meet guys?