Saturday, December 13, 2008

Looking for a few good... er... bloggers

The holidays are approaching, which means I'm probably going to want to take a few days off from posting about my (lack of) love life.

(Unless, of course, you want me to hang myself from a bundle of mistletoe.)

But me taking a break doesn't mean this blog has to suffer.

So here's my idea...

Are you single and wanting to share one of your crazy dating stories? (Go ahead. Just TRY to beat the story about the guy who asked me about my hoo-hah over appies.)

Or are you coupled up and dying to tell us what it's like on "the other side"?? (Or maybe you just want to vent about how you wish you were still single?)

Or are you a guy who wants to tell us ladies what dating is like from the XY perspective? (PLEASE. For the love of all things holy... what the hell are you guys thinking?!?)

Then drop me an email at I'll be happy to post your stories over the next several weeks. Think of it as your Christmas present to me!

The rules are simple:
  • You can't use a guy's (or girl's) real name (unless he's a friend involved in your story and not the romantic interest). Instead, use a fun nickname for whoever the love interest is.

  • Tell me what name you want your post published under (like my Always a Bridesmaid moniker -- or you can use your real name if you're really brave!).

  • If you have a blog, let me know what it is so I can link to it.

  • You have to be funny (duh).

That's it! I'll post guest blogger entries over the next several weeks (assuming any actually come in!!) in between my updates about The Teachalian (who wants to get together this week), The Italian Stallion (who I've talked to a couple of times now... and who hasn't sent one text! YEAH!) and The Teacher (who I already have a post in the works about).

I know you've got stories, ladies (and gents). Don't be shy!

P.S. if you know my personal email address, feel free to send your entries there too. (Same rules apply!)


Anonymous said...

I want to do this!! Now I just have to think of a story... I'll get back to you.

Great blog, by the way!

alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

i would have to actually go on dates in order to write about my experiences. can't help you there buddy! ha

Ashley said...

Have I got a story for you...

Just sent you an e-mail about it. Happy to be a guest poster!