I don't know which blog milestone is a bigger deal... hitting my 200th post or getting my 69th follower.
(My maturity level rivals that of a seventh-grade boy sometimes. Oh, hell. Who am I kidding? Probably more like a 35-year-old boy.)
Anyhow, thanks for following, reading and commenting, everyone! Wonder what the next 200 posts will bring... anyone care to take a guess?
maturity is over rated anyway
Yay you! Congrats. :)
Blogdad still enjoys telling people he graduated from high school in '69 - like father, like daughter:)
Deutlich - aahh-gree!
d - thanks, chica!
blogmom - ha ha! I totes forgot about that. But he toooootally does do that.
Congrats! And no matter what, I will never get sick of saying "69" and then laughing afterward.
Congratulations, you just got your 70th follower! By the way, love your blog!
Lisa -- I know. My sissies and I giggle like school girls whenever someone says anything related to "69." I mean, it could be the price of a can of soup and we think it's funny. HA!
M -- glad to have you join us! Welcome!
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