Remember last year how blogmom and blogdad discovered that St. Nicholas is actually the patron saint of single women?
Well, apparently jolly old St. Nicholas isn't happy with telepathic requests. Guess he actually wants me to write an honest-to-goodness letter to Santa before he brings me my Prince Charming.
So, no bullshitting. I'm totes writing a letter to St. Nick this year and tucking it away in a safe place. Then I'm gonna pull it out next Christmas to see if he brought me something (or someone) that matches what's on my list.
Help me get started. What should I make sure I don't forget? I only have a few days to get this right...
Someone that will stick with you through the thick and thin, make you laugh, and make you be (or at least want to be) a better person. And someone you can trust. Those are my basic requirements.
Hope next year finds us both less single :)
YEAH! Blogdad gets to put his 2 cents in (Not that I ever held back)
1. Fun loving
2. Kind
3. Generous
4. Has a sense of urgency
5. Puts AAB before self and friends
6. Dependable
7. Respectful
8. Family oriented
9. Trustowrthy
10. Confident
NOTE: Missing is Italian and Catholic. Those would be nice, but not deal breakers
Bottom line, someone who can help you be a better you, although I love you the way you are.
Maybe you should ask for a magician??
:) chill
i love blogdad!
Just ask Blogmom what she was looking for when she found Blogdad -- he's awesome!
Someone who enjoys taking care of you when you're sick
Blogdad is the cutest!
How about,
Tall, blonde, dark, and lean
Rough and tough and strong and mean?
God bless mother nature, she's a single woman too....
Someone that makes you feel like every night is a fun slumber party (after you are married of course)! :)
Love - MAR
Why the hell would she want someone 'mean'?
How about someone whose mere presence makes you feel so wonderful that you don't even bother comparing him to your (or Blogdad's) list? A tall order to be sure, but I have faith in St Nick and in you.
Merry Christmas!
I dunno, ask the Weather Girls...
Someone who always makes you laugh, and would never intentionally make you cry.
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