Wednesday, October 13, 2010

From The Mouse to The Winner

I can now officially say that I dated the nation's Bachelor of the Year.

That's right, ladies. (And gents.)

The Mouse won Cosmo's Bachelor Hunt!

Check out the story here. And thanks to everyone who voted for him! :)


Girl in Carolina said...


Anonymous said...

Heard him on Wake Up w/ Taylor this morning!!! Also, sent them a link to your blog!

Always a Bridesmaid said...

Carolina Girl -- I can hardly believe it myself. You can imagine how much in shock he is. :)

Missouri Girl -- Really? That's fun. Thanks!

Miss Chelsea said...

You're practically famous! ;)

Beautifully Invisible said...

That's so great! He must be overwhelmed (and will be beating off women with a stick!) LOL

Always a Bridesmaid said...

Miss Chelsea -- ha ha! I wish!

Beautifully -- I know! I should have him do a guest post in a few weeks about all the crazy girls who have come after him. :)