Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Helllloooooo, 2011...

... and goodbye, 27 Dresses in Cleveland.

Yes, that's right. I'm breaking up again. But this time, it's not with a boy. This time, it's with my blog.

It's been a great ride, 27 Dresses, but I feel like this is for the best. For both of us.

I mean, I used to be so much more attentive. Remember when I used to write to you every single day? And how I used to so look forward to the time we'd spend together, as I'd write yet another post about a dismal date while watching the latest episode of The Bachelor? I just don't covet that time together any more. In fact, I dread it. And, probably most importantly, I used to be so much more honest with you. I don't like hiding things from you, 27 Dresses, but I just can't open up to you like I used to.

Now please don't blame yourself. You didn't do anything wrong. It's not you. It's me. Well, actually... it's us. We just grew apart.

No hard feelings, ok?

And if you *really* want to get in touch with me, you know where to find me.

(Just don't be mad if I screen your calls. Because you KNOW I won't be deleting your number anytime soon.)


In all seriousness, readers, it has been a wonderful ride here at 27 Dresses in Cleveland. Thank you so much for your support and laughs over the years. But it's time for this little ol' blog to close up shop to open up internet space for some other up-and-coming professional bridesmaids.

The best part about having this blog has been the wonderful friends I've made in real life. So if you've met me in real life, don't expect me to disappear just because my blog has! And, well... if we haven't met but you're just DYING to know who the REAL Always a Bridesmaid is, drop an email to cleve27dresses@yahoo.com and I might just tell you. (Though I think it's sorta fun to keep it a mystery, no?)

Smooches! And thanks for a very fun ride!

xoxo --
Always a Bridesmaid

P.S. I am well aware of the fact that you're all probably far more upset about never hearing from blogmom and blogdad ever again than the fact that this is my last post. But just amuse me, will ya? ;)


Suburban Sweetheart said...

Ohh noooo! Sad to see you go. Will you let us know if you start up a new blog anytime in the future?

Sea Level is for Sissies said...

I think it would have been a more fitting end if you stopped the blog because you were going to be a bride...

The girls in my office that I've introduced the blog to will be crushed.

Until our cyber (or IRL) paths cross again,
-Disappointed in Denver

CLEgal @ Why CLE? said...

Sad to see you go as well, but I definitely understand a blog that's run its course. So glad I got to meet you through this and thanks for all the blogging inspiration.

blogmom said...

Sad for your readers, but glad that you are happy. I will miss reading about all of your madcap dating adventures, and I'm a little misty that this will be my final comment on what has been a most enjoyable blog.

Love you.

hermosamusica said...

i think i know who "Sea Level is for Sissies" is! And they are right! I will miss you!

raymond said...

Very sad to see you go :-( i always looked forward to seeing this blog pop up in my RSS feed.

agreed though, it would have been great to see it end because you were no longer a bridesmaid and became a bride :-)

best of luck to you!

Anonymous said...

So sad to see you go! I love your musings!

Good luck with everything!!


Always a Bridesmaid said...

Suburban Sweetheart -- I will certainly let you know if I start up a new blog. In the meantime, I'll probs focus on twitter. :)

Sea Level -- I think that would have been more fitting too! Too bad some poor sap didn't. (Or hasn't. Yet. ha ha!)

CLEgal -- Awww, thanks. Glad to have met you too. Good luck with your new blog!

blogmom -- I'm sure you have other things (rugrats) keeping you busy these days... :)

hermosamusica -- Trust me... I'll miss you guys too!

Raymond -- Thanks! P.S. Whether you realize it or not, we've actually chatted on twitter. :)

Sweet Home Amy -- Aww, that's so... well... sweet! xo

Deviled Megs said...

Oh no! So sad to hear this...my roommate introduced me to your wonderful blog and I have so enjoyed reading it.

Deviled Megs said...

And I would love to follow you on Twitter...that is, if you let me know how to find you on good ol twitter

Always a Bridesmaid said...

Deviled Megs -- shoot me an email and I'll give you my handle. :)

Anonymous said...

Final words from Blogdad:

Where do I begin? I am happy for you that you have chosen to end this part of your life. I will, however, miss the comments as I will NEVER tweet, not do I wish to be tweeted about. (hint, hint) At the right time, you will be the bride. I know that in my heart.

It has been fun reading and getting to know your followers, although some have been crass and verbose, most have been genuinely interested in your life. I liked them.

I don't know where I will go to share my words of wisdom...look out blog grandkids!

Love ya,

PS Don't forget I have a BIG Birthday coming up. Just sayiing.

Girl in Carolina said...

We will miss you!!!! Best wishes!!

Single in Cleveland said...

I'm so sad to see you go! I had just decided on the first of the year to start my own dating woes blog and did my first publishing today!

Thanks for the great stories and know that you will be missed!

Always a Bridesmaid said...

Blogdad -- xo. (And don't worry -- we're hooking you up for your bday.)

Carolina Girl -- I'll miss you too!

Single in CLE -- you can pick up where I left off! :)

seanski said...

This last post could be considered quite sad, but I know your next installment, "27 Kids in Cleveland", will be just as entertaining!

Teri said...

I just tried to "Like" seanski's comment! haha Good luck to you. I've enjoying reading... you have an amazing sense of humor and Mr. AAB will be blessed when he (finally) finds you!

SILVIA said...

awesome post!!!
love your style!!
follow u now!
