Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Summer of Sin -- Take 5

First off, I can not believe this is Summer of Sin Take 5. FIVE?!? REALLY? Five summers of S.O.S.? I must be really bad at math. Or really bad at dating.

(Or both.)

(BTW, if you're wondering what the hell Summer of Sin is, click here.)

Anyhow, since Memorial Day is the unofficial kick-off to summer, I suppose that means it's also the unofficial kick-off to S.O.S. Take 5.

Wonder if I'll have a "spoiled" or "legit" S.O.S. this year. (Again, that link up there will help you figure out which is which.)

Any bets? (Truth be told, I'm really hoping for a "spoiled" one.)

So, as I say every year... Summer of Sin... let it begin! (And this year... who's in?!?)

P.S. on a related, yet unrelated, note... I am a huge fan of Take 5 candy bars. Just sayin'...


CLEgal said...

I'm in! Although, I usually refer to mine as "The Summer of [insert my name here]" in homage to George Costanza. And here's hoping for a spoiled SOS for all the lovely single gals out there!

MG said...

@ Girl Esq, velvet jump suits, entire wheels of cheese...

My last week has been more exciting than the entire 6 months before that (not sure if thats a testament to how boring early 2010 was or how nuts it's been lately) so I am hoping you have a totally legit SOS.

Just remember, like Brand New said, "You can sin or spend the night all alone."

rachaelgking said...

Oooooo. I'm kind of jealous. Can't wait to read about yours, though...

Allison M. said...

I'm in! Even though it's not really an SOS. but I'll live vicariously through yours.

Suburban Sweetheart said...

I'm trepidatiously in. I may be too boring for SOS. let's be honest,

Anonymous said...

Speaking of this topic, I'd like to hear more about the at least 1-2 guys AAB must be keeping as booty calls as she searches for Mr. Right

we all know this has to be happening.